R/Principan Component Analysis.R

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#' @title Principal Component Analysis
#' @description Performs a principal components analysis on the given numeric data matrix and returns the results as an object of class princomp. Internally calls princomp in the stats package.
#' @param vars: The variables in a character vector to extract components from
#' @param cor: A boolean that specifies whether the calculation should use a correlation or covariance matrix
#' @param componentsToRetain: A numeric that Specifies the number of components to retain in the dataset. A new variable is created in the dataset for each component invoked
#' @param ​generateScreeplot: Generates a screeplot
#' @param prefixForComponents: Prefix to use when saving the components to a dataset
#' @param dataset: The name of the dataset as a string
#' @return princomp returns a list with class "princomp" containing the following components
#' sdev: the standard deviations of the principal components.
#' loadings: the matrix of variable loadings (i.e., a matrix whose columns contain the eigenvectors). This is of class "loadings": see loadings for its print method.
#' center: the means that were subtracted.
#' scale: the scalings applied to each variable.
#' n.obs: the number of observations.
#' scores: if scores = TRUE, the scores of the supplied data on the principal components. These are non-null only if x was supplied, and if covmat was also supplied if it was a covariance list. For the formula method, napredict() is applied to handle the treatment of values omitted by the na.action.
#' call: the matched call.
#' na.action: If relevant.
#' @examples
BSkyPrinCompAnalysis <-function (vars,cor=FALSE,componentsToRetain=0, generateScreeplot=FALSE,prefixForComponents="", dataset, excludeEnvPrefix=FALSE)

	count =length(vars)
	if (componentsToRetain !=0)
		if(prefixForComponents =="")
			errorMessage="If you have selected to retain components, you need to enter a variable name prefix. We will save the components in a new variable name"
			#print("If you have selected factor scores, you need to enter a variable name prefix. We will save the scores in a new variable name")
			obj = BSkyReturnStructure2()
			# number of decimal digit formatting from the config option for the numeric values within every cell of every table
			#obj = BSkyDecimalDigitFormating(obj, decimalDigits = 2)
	for (i in 1:count)
		result =c(result, paste(vars[i]))
		if (i !=count) result = c(result, '+')
 #23Jan2016 Adding logic to add .Global if its not there
	if(!excludeEnvPrefix )
		charcount <- nchar(dataset)
		if(charcount > 11) # .GlobalEnv$
			if(substr(dataset, 1,11)!= '.GlobalEnv$')
				dataset <- paste(".GlobalEnv$",dataset, sep='')
			dataset <- paste(".GlobalEnv$",dataset, sep='')
	stringForPCACommand = c("princomp(~", result,",","cor=",cor,",",	"data=", dataset,")" )
	BSkyPCA <<- eval(parse(text=stringForPCACommand))
	#Getting the component loadings
	matrixComptLoad =unclass(loadings(BSkyPCA))
	names(listOfMatrixCompLoad)="Component Loadings"
	BSkyBuildReturnTableStructure2(OutputDataTableListIfPassed = listOfMatrixCompLoad)
	#Getting the component variances
	BSkyBuildReturnTableStructure2(OutputDataTableListIfPassed = BSkyPCA$sd^2, singleTableOutputHeader="Component Variances")
	#Printing the summary of the model
	#Saving the component scores back to the dataset
	if ((componentsToRetain > 0) &&(prefixForComponents !="") )
			rowNamesSyntax= c("row.names(", dataset,")")
			rowNames = eval(parse(text=rowNamesSyntax))
			componentsToBeAssignedWithNAs <- rep(NA, length(rowNames))
			while (countOfComponents <=componentsToRetain)
				namesOfScores =c("names(","BSkyPCA$scores[,",countOfComponents,"]",")")
				namesWithValidComponents = eval(parse(text=namesOfScores))
				validData <- rowNames %in% namesWithValidComponents
				componentsToBeAssignedWithNAs[validData] <- BSkyPCA$scores[,countOfComponents]
				#vartemp =paste(dataset, "<<-within(", dataset, ",{",varNameForCluster, "<-scoresVector})") 
				varNameForComponents =paste(prefixForComponents,countOfComponents,sep="")
				var3 =c(dataset,"$",varNameForComponents,"<-componentsToBeAssignedWithNAs" )
				var4=paste(var3, collapse = '')

	#Plot Screeplot
	if (generateScreeplot)
		screeplot(BSkyPCA, main='Screeplot')
	#if (exists("BSkyPCA") )
   # obj is the Bsky return structure with all tables stored within it
   obj = BSkyReturnStructure2()
   # number of decimal digit formatting from the config option for the numeric values within every cell of every table
 #  obj = BSkyDecimalDigitFormating(obj, decimalDigits = 2)

##Access original source code of function at getAnywhere(print.summary.princomp) 
BSkyPrintSummaryPrincomp <-function ( i=0) 
	vars <- (BSkyPCA$sdev)^2
    vars <- vars/sum(vars)
    #cat("Importance of components:\n")
    #print(rbind(`Standard deviation` = BSkyPCA$sdev, `Proportion of Variance` = vars, 
     #   `Cumulative Proportion` = cumsum(vars)))
	matrixSummary =rbind(`Standard deviation` = BSkyPCA$sdev, `Proportion of Variance` = vars, `Cumulative Proportion` = cumsum(vars))
	matrixSummaryList =list(matrixSummary)
	names(matrixSummaryList)="Importance of components"
	BSkyBuildReturnTableStructure2(OutputDataTableListIfPassed = matrixSummaryList)
	return (TRUE);
	#Aaron: I have commented this from original source code as its not used
	#loadings <-BSkyPCA$print.loadings
    #if (loadings!=NULL) {
        #cx <- format(round(BSkyPCA$loadings, digits = digits))
        #cx[abs(BSkyPCA$loadings) < cutoff] <- paste(rep(" ", nchar(cx[1, 
            #1], type = "w")), collapse = "")
        #print(cx, quote = FALSE, ...)
BlueSkyStatistics/BlueSky documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 4:15 p.m.